Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dairy Kugel

Something was a little stinky in the fridge. It wasn't a secret -- it was the broccoli. I had bought this three days ago in Chinatown and even then it smelled a little. Some of the tops of the broccoli had gotten a little mushy and stunk. It needed to be used, but it was like 2 lbs. So I did what any good Jewish boy would do - I cut off the bad and made the good into a Kugel. Washed and cleaned the remaining broccoli was as choice as the crap you get from wholefoods. Here's what I made:
I grated a gigantic potato and a smaller sweet potato, plus a medium sized onion and pressed the water out. Half of this I put on the bottom of a rectangular pyrex. On this I sprinkled some flour and spices, plus some crushed garlic. 3 or 4 beaten eggs went on this to moisten and hold things together. Then I put the broccoli and a bunch of cheese on top of this base. I made sure to push this down so it was pretty solid. Finally I scattered a cut up chili pepper, more garlic and spices, more cheese, egg and flour, and drizzled olive oil. Covered with tin foil this went in the oven for 30 minutes (my oven is really hot) and then sat there for a little longer. When a little cooler, I removed, freed up the sides of the pan, and flipped it out onto tin foil. Amazingly the entire thing stayed together and came out perfectly. I put this back in the oven to crisp the bottom, and then cooled, cut into freezable chunks, and eat one piece.
The remaining seven pieces will make for great meals.

1 comment:

Kari said...

this reminds me of the Questionable Cauliflower we used at your apartment that one time...

But it was yummy!