Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mom's Tuscan Bean Soup

Today I had a really good soup my mom made and I figured that I would share the recipe. Even through my stuffed nose this soup was really yummy and full of flavor. My mom want me to make sure to give credit to Lidia Bastianich from whom's cookbook she got this recipe. Of course she added a bunch of stuff (carrots, tomato paste, and some extra herbs...)
Soup Base (White Bean)
1 lb (2 1/2 cups) small white beans (navy beans, northern beans, or just small white beans) soaked overnight or quick soaked.
4 qt water
3 bay leaves
1/4 cup olive oil
Boil (cover a jar) adjust to gentile boil. Cook 1 hour or until beans are tender. Stir in 1 1/2 tsp salt. Uncover and continue cooking for another hour until there is about 3 qts. My mom added some sage, rosemary, time and some kale after the first hour of cooking.

Much like the spices oil mix which is often added to Indian Dal before serving (my former Indian roomate --- nb. he's still Indian --- called this a Vagar), this soup has a Soffritto.
3 Tbs Olive Oil
6 garlic cloves sliced
1/2 tsp hot red pepper flakes
[3 ounces tomato paste]
Saute until garlic begins to color. The tomato paste (my mom's addition) goes in after the coloring of the garlic begins. Add this to the soup base at the end of cooking and mix it up.

[Note: So as not to be too laudatory to mom, I have inserted a few "witty" spelling mistakes, most of which occurred organically]
[Note: After having written this I realize that most of my mistakes are not in fact funny, nor are they witty, but rather just a sad reflection on my state of education. Unfortunately I am not as quick as individuals like "iron_h8r" or "microraver", or even the elusive "anonymous" from my previous posting. Each of those multiple personalities showed humor in singularly unique fashion.]

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