Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cooking show idea

A few weeks ago my sister emailed me and told me I should check out this link ( I of course didn't have the patience to read what it would take to become the next food network star (I seldom have the patience to read more than headings). However it still got me thinking about what type of show I would have, if I did have a food network show. Would I play on my nerdy math/science side like Alton Brown, or would I try to show off my nearly non-existent cooking prowess? My idea, which I admit is not earth shaking, came to me after a 6 hour car ride back from my brother's wedding in New Hampshire. My aunt Mimi (or Ruby if you are speaking to here in Europe) and my mother were remembering all about my great grandmother's cooking habits. Mimi's favorite was taiglach, my Dad's was pletzlach. I know that the "lach" part means little, but I'm not 100% sure what "taig" and what "pletz" means. This is not the point though. My idea came from my desire, at hearing about these old traditional foods, to find out how they were made and to recreate them as authentically as possible.

In Ivan Imaginary World (IIW) I would have a TV show where each week I chose a new old food to explore. The format would essentially be that I find some old women who have been making the food for a collective 1000 years and I learn from them as much as I can about how to make it. Part of the show is devoted to their story and the story of the food, another part is me actually trying to make it myself in the style I was just taught, once I have either succeeded to failed at this I try to consider what makes their method so unique, and finally I present a version of the recipe which can be made relatively easy and with little time commitment. I'm not sure what name I would give the show. Maybe something like "The Food Treasure Hunter", or "Tasty Traditions", or "Bubbi's Kitchen".

Ideas? Thoughts? I probably won't apply for anything, but its still fun to imagine.


Magda said...

ivan, i don't think you're just dreaming, but it's really important that you choose a theme song BEFORE you go in to pitch your idea. make no mistake--NO ONE has ever gotten their own tv show without first deciding upon a really snappy theme song. it's a fact. your theme song should be refined, but not so much that the common person feels alienated. i recommend the following:

Unknown said...

Once you win an Emmy or two, I'll agree to be your in-house historian. To do the show properly, you'll need one. Oh, and also a huge travel budget. You shouldn't discount old men, who may have a few interesting recipes up their sleeves. Finally, would you make meat--what about non-kosher meat? I think you should run with it. Start by blogging about one or two (use Bubbee obviously). Math can wait; this is genius!

Unknown said...

i'm not daniel--i'm lila.

SP31415 said...

Thats a good question about what to do as per meat. I'll need to think about it. If I only did vegetarian it would be restrictive, if I only did Kosher it could come off as a kosher only program. I think the way to spin it is that this show comes from my very real desire to understand my culture and heritage as well as that of others -- hence the kosher aspect is just another part of my heritage, and not part of the premise of the show. maybe i can get alex to bring his digital video camera and then we can do a trial show with bubbee over thanksgiving.